Friday, March 23, 2007

My educational philosophy

While I am going to try to keep this blog open-minded so that all homeschooling parents will enjoy stopping by here to find new information about what is going on in the homeschooling world, I know that my point of view may still be found herein. As such, I want you to know something about me. My family consists of my 5-year-old spirited daughter (more on that later) and msyelf. I work from home doing some freelance writing but do have some health issues that keep me at home. This does not mean that my dd and I don't get out and about on a regular basis, because we do. My dd is involved with classes in our local library and very involved with the youth group at our church. We also live near a park where we go on nice days. She has a few homeschooling friends that we try doing play dates with too. Most days consist of us waking up and reading from our children's Bible and another book that is filled with nursery rhymes and poetry. She then has her own activities that she does: painting, puzzles, educational TV, etc. At some point in the day we spend some time doing a few workbook pages and some of her lapbook. We also play a lot of file folder games and read a lot of "living books." I guess you could call us eclectic with some unschooling involved. So, that's where we stand as a family. I'm looking forward to hearing where you stand.

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