Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More on unschooling...

I'm glad that some of you took the time to post about how my description of unschooling was fair and accurate. I was afraid that I'd come across as Dr. Phil did when he met a radical unschooler by the name of Dayna Martin. While I think that is a rather extreme example of unschooling, I will not knock how she's chosen to educate her children at home. Of course, it is important to know that this extreme does exist, but not all of us will go to this extreme with our children. So, I'm glad that my definition of unschooling did it justice.


Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda,
How are you? I wanted to pick your brain on unschooling if you don't mind. These past few months I have been studying so much on homeschooling and now unschooling. Trying to see what exactly is the difference. I can not believe how ignorant I have been about the whole thing. It has made me more open minded and less judgmental on how people decide to bring up their kids. It has also given me new choices on what I want for my kids. Because this is my first year homeschooling, I am going to start them in the Weaver curriculum. From what I hear, this curriculum concentrates mostly on the Bible and leaves learning open to what they want to concentrate on. From there we will see how it goes and just play it by ear. Thank you so much for your website. It was very informational.
~God Bless you,

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

I really need to look into the Weaver curriculum. I've never heard about it before. I'm use to hearing about BJU, Alpha & Omega, etc. Thanks for giving me a new 1 to check out!